Handouts & Assignments
Start-up Ongoing Tutorial Provincial Preparation Goal Setting Term Papers Speech Writing |
SS 11 Outline AVID/Planning 11 Outline AVID Binder Sections Cornell Notes Sheet (Lined) Cornell Notes Sheet (Blank) Cornell Notes Sheet (Dotted) Cornell Notes & Binder Evaluation Costa's Level's of Questioning Wake-up Quizzes (Blank) Tutorial Request Form (TRF) Three Column Notes Sheet Tutorial Discussion Form for SS Tutorial Discussion Roles Essay Rubric Essay How-to-Guide & Organizer 'Speed Dating' Questions Sample Exemplar Essay "A Six" SMART Goals Sheet Goal Log Tracking Sheet 1st Term Paper (Outline) 1st Term Paper Edit Checklist 1st Term Paper (Marking Rubric) 2nd Term Paper (Outline) 2nd Term Paper (Marking Rubric) Term Paper (Essay Organizer) Term Paper (Exemplar) Term Paper (Template) Thesis & Writing Tips Primary Sources UN Millennium Goal Check-In Writing Prep Sheet Marking Rubric Peer Evaluation Speech Tips Sheet Mr. Van's Exemplar Speech Dezy's Exemplar Speech Chloe's Exemplar Speech |
Describes the class units, make-up, evaluation of work, course website, etc. Students need to print off a second outline from this site to have their parents sign. Describes how the AVID/Planning 11 course will be evaluated. Students should keep this in their binder with their SS11 outline. These section headers go behind the dividers in the AVID binder. Students are expected to keep all work of each variety organized by date for faster searching. Printable Cornell Notes sheets with lines in the note taking space. Printable Cornell Notes sheets with a large blank spaces to include visuals, etc. Printable Cornell Notes sheets with dots on it for Math class. Cornell Notes and Binders are checked once per week by either the class TA or Mr. Van. Students can print this sheet ahead of time to receive bonus marks for being prepared. This sheet overviews the various levels that can be used in asking questions. Throughout the year we'll start classes with Wake-up quizzes. Students will record their marks on these sheets and we'll discuss the answers as a class. Students use these forms to prepare, participate, and complete their weekly tutorials. They will be submitted during the following class, marked, and returned to the student's binder. These are used for keeping track of the work presenters do in your tutorial group. This form is for students who are choosing to do the discussion problem instead of normal tutorial because they don't have enough homework. This sheet outlines the various roles students will be put in for the tutorial discussions. On each chapter test the students write an essay from a topic similar to what they'd see on the provincial exam. This rubric shows their progress over the 5 attempts through the year. Writing a provincial exam essay is really quite formulaic to begin with. This lays out the basics students should focus on when writing This fun and educational activity has the students prepare questions from a certain part of the course. Students are going to then spend 3-5 minutes quizzing each other and switching partners. This is an example, with comments, of what an exemplar essay looks like. SMART Goals help students set purposeful, specific, and trackable goals. Goal logs help us track our progress over the semester. Students keep track of the positive and negative behaviours improve or set back their goal. This process helps re-focus us. This assignment is a 1000-1500 word history paper with proper citations and bibliography. It will be done in Google Docs so that Mr. Van can give comments and edit as students go Students will be helping each other identify strengths and weaknesses with this checklist. It should also be used by individual students to ensure they're meeting all the criteria. The marking rubric is provided so that students can set targets for themselves and so they realize how they will be marked Similar to the first, but a few updates including word count, sources, and topic selection. Just a little bit different, because the peer editing is being done differently. It's almost impossible to write a good paper if you haven't done significant planning first. This template takes the student through exactly what to include. It's worth 20% of the grade. Mr. Van has written and provided an A/A+ level paper which can be used to help students model their own papers with the right style. It has comments throughout to point out the important elements of writing a term paper. A template for writing a history paper is provided as this is entirely new and high level work the students are embarking on. This page helps students improve their thesis and argumentative writing style. This sheet explains primary sources and shows how to search old newspapers from Google News as well as how to cite them. This is an article outlining the relative success (according to some sources) of the 8 UN goals. This sheet helps organizes thoughts to get ready for the speech. This sheet outlines how students will be graded. This sheet will be used to help students give feedback to each other. This sheet will hopefully help the students understand some of the keys in speech writing. Looking for ideas? Want to see if your speech has the requirements? Compare some of your techniques to one I wrote; but remember there's lots of ways to be successful in speech writing! An awesome exemplar speech put together by Dezy Manuel (2014). Another great exemplar speech put together by Chloe McCombs (2013). |
Government |
A brief overview of some larger political questions that help us think about how political the world is and where we naturally tend to stand in it. This sheet will be checked back on at the end of the government unit, but isn't for marks and won't need to be submitted. A sheet to help you prepare for your election speech. Students built rocketships under the guidance of leaders who represented the 6 major political ideologies. Chaos ensues! Students look into the platform and main ideas of one of Canada's main 4 political parties. Students look at 2 articles which we'll chunk, split up, highlight, and comment on AVID style. This will help them prepare for a fishbowl discussion the following day. This word document has all the nitty, gritty details to the constitution. We'll be going over all of it as a class over a few days. After a good week of Planning, we need to remind ourselves of the government stuff we've learned. This matching activity tests the brain's remembrance of earlier material. Students work in small groups (3-4) to create the fundamental document for their own hypothetical government. They need to think about how it will run ideologically, who will control what, what their fundamental laws are, and what rights they'll want to protect. After learning about how our government makes laws and how the legislative assembly works, it's helpful to actually go through the process in groups in a simulation. Upper level questions that may be assigned to help students better understand the Justice system. The Prime-Minister has considerable powers in our Canadian democracy. Your job is to decide if they're appropriate or the powers reach too far. This worksheet/activity goes along with the CBC Vote Compass exercise which aligns student viewpoints alongside political leaders and their parties helping make more informed future voters! This opinion piece was written by two authors who say the PM has too much power. We review the article and 'AVIDize' it in class. |
History |
Chinese Head Tax 4-Square Residential School Timeline Aboriginal Treatment & Response Rabbit Proof Fence Response 7 Q's to Assimilation and 1900 War Kickoff - 'Build It to Use It' Propaganda Posters & Assignment Battles & Events Timeline Handout WWI Canadian Battles Map 1920s Activities 4 Square Analyzing Depression Data Writing in Role WWII Army/Navy/Air Force Profiles WWII Altered Book Journal WWII Altered Book NEW 2015 WWII Altered Book Mark Rubric Interview Questions for Legion Nazism Summary Article WWII Map Assignment The Frozen Questions (Cold War) Civil Rights Speaking Exercise Model Monument Building Letter to Trudeau |
This sheet is a graphic organizer for Page 10-11 in the textbook. A two page overview of significant dates from the residential school period. Students will read primary sources and brainstorm solutions to dealing with the horrible treatment of Aboriginal peoples in Canada. Students will watch the movie 'Rabbit Proof Fence' which mirrors the Canadian aboriginal assimilation experience. This response considers imperialism and colonialism. Students use their text, notes, and any available source they find helpful to answer 7Q's. Taking a closer look at how WWI broke out and whether it was unstoppable. Students are analyzing propaganda in the library in pairs then making their own propaganda poster as a government of their choice for the WWI period. This handout is provided to help students keep the order of major events/battles. This map allows the students to place the four crucial Canadian battles in a timeline. As a class we'll be looking at some of the exciting elements of the 1920s in all their booming glory! Oh and then we'll dance and crash like the stock market... Using the textbook, these questions dive into the numbers of the depression. In this writing activity students write in the role of either the prime-minister, a dust bowl ridden farmer, or an investment broker who lost all their money. It's time-framed to the 1930s. Click here to see original copies of some Canadians who served in WWII. This amazing assignment uses altered books and creativity to create a collection of journal entries in a beautiful artistically created book. The final product is amazing! Just for the 2015 school year, we've now worked in the involvement of the Royal Legion to create a more first hand experience. This is the marking rubric for the assignment above. Interview questions for our field trip to the Legion to meet WWII veterans. In this task the reader is asked to 'Avidize' and summarize a mock article that I wrote. Specifics are made to the process by which they get to their final product. Students are asked to document the progress of WWII events on this map visually and through a timeline. For the map information students can use this website. (http://www.worldology.com/Europe/world_war_2_imap.htm) This sheet of questions are based off information found largely within the textbook, but which will also be touched upon in our class notes. Students consider a social issue of the day and make a short speech in groups of about 3 on a current issue they're passionate about to share with the class. Students will create a mini monument to one of the major events/issues of the 1960s-Present as chosen by the members of the group. Students write a letter to former Prime-Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau on an issue we discussed in class. |
Geography |
This assignment can be done in class or at home from the notes. Students create a population pyramid and figure out some of the important statistics associated with it. This project takes all of the learning the students have done on HDI, population, environmental factors, developing country factors, etc. and puts them all together into the one poster project we do a year. Click here for the marking rubric that goes long with the assignment. This sheet will be used to help students prepare for a series of debates. Four issues are covered and can be chosen from. Questions associated to the final part of Geography. Students will be given readings and expected to do the vast majority of this work on their own time. Students write letters to either the federal government or to a business giving recommendations based on research they completed. Ms. Gaiptman assists with proper letter writing conventions so that the finished product is polished. Marking rubric for the above mentioned assignment. To help students get started and form well written letters we have a sheet to help prepare them for the task. |
Planning |
Resumes and Cover Letters Resumes PPT Sample Resume Cover Letter PPT Cover Letter Template Cover Letter Example Know The Biz: Bonus Work! Marking Rubrics Addictions & Mental Health Addictions & Mental Health Notes Warming up to Mental Health Sheet Insite Drug Program Discussion Nine Questions for Sexuality Making Positive Change Fighting Homelessness Super EA Erin's Homeless Doc Link to Medicine Hat Homelessness GVCEH Guest Speaker PPT Homelessness Team Challenge Team Challenge Marking Rubric Sex-Ed STI Info PowerPoint Contraceptive Information Media Awareness Breaking Down Advertising Notes Magazine Scavenger Hunt Financial Planning My Investment Portfolio Types of Investments Credit Cards, Debit & Credit Score My Financial Plan Assignment Understanding Pay Stubs Travel Unit Bucket List A Tour of the World Travel the World Project Travel the World Marking Rubric Travel the World Template Travel the World Exemplar (Dezy) |
12 slide overview of how to make a correct and simple one page resume. Sample resume to base from if it's your first time making one. 13 slide overview of how to make a bang-up cover letter! Step by step coverage of what goes into a cover letter. Mr. Van has provided an example (summer camp) here to use for cover letters. Done early? Get to know the company you're selecting. Online/phone work. Contains marking criteria for Resume, Cover Letter & Interviews. Provided notes that we go over outlining Addictions & Mental Health issues. A closer look at some daunting statistics and an opportunity to share personal stories. Preperation for a class discussion around Vancouver's Insite drug program. We're looking at sexual identity, roles, how we construct sexuality, etc. Here's some Q's! This mini-project tasks the students with the job of making positive change in one of 3 areas. Resources for the Homelessness Team Challenge that Erin found to share for your use. This is a report out from Medicine Hat which will become Canada's first homeless free city. Andrew Wynn-Williams stat filled PPT available for the project as you might see fit. How can Victoria best spend $100,000 to end homelessness. With the help of some awesome guest speakers, a trip to Our Place, and some research, you just might know... Marking Rubric for the above team challenge is here if you need another copy. This PowerPoint was borrowed from another source and outlines valuable information about Sexually Transmitted Infections and how to avoid them. This PDF outlines the major forms of contraception and gives practical information about the benefits and drawbacks of each, as well as their average success rates. These notes (provided to the students) go over how advertising works, the different types, and how it's changed over the last 80 years. This group worksheet has the students look through "trashy" magazines to break down how magazine advertisements are made and work on our brains. This is an in class financial plan for the future. Students need to be ready to start saving now, and accumulating credit at 18. This goes together with the investment portfolio assignment above. Some really helpful information on how to be smart and knowledgeable about credit cards, credit scores, loans, etc. My Financial Plan is where students put all of their financial learning into one big plan. Pay stubs have a lot happening on them and knowing how to manage your contributions can make a huge difference! To get into the Planning Travel unit we'll be looking at a 'Bucket List' (things to do before we kick the bucket/die). This PPT will be used as a lead-up to the "Travel he World Project" to help give students ideas about where they might want to travel to in their project. This is a major Planning project that has students plan, budget, outline, and justify a trip they could take after high school. Want to know how you'll be marked on the above mentioned project? Read here! A template you ca use to start with your travel project. Dezy Manuel made a pretty awesome project in 2014. Check out what an A+ looks like here. |
Current Events & Class Events |
I've got 4 sites to show you related to background and information gathering with the Northern pipeway project. After our class look and discussion, students are being asked to write a paragraph response with specific details as to their opinion on the issue at hand, as well as the more general values that are at stake here. The Padlet website allows people to collaborate information/video/etc with each other in a cool and creative way. Students will use this sheet to chose a current event of another student and learn more about it. This PPT outlines and gives the flow for our mini two day Muslim Question unit. All of the video links are included. This is the mini assignment that goes along with the Muslim Question mini unit. |